Ruby on Rails


  1. Tutorials und Referenzen
  2. Tools and Environment
    1. But What Does It All Mean
    2. Testtools
    3. GIT – Version controll
  3. Entwicklungszyklus
  4. Themen und Komponenten
    1. Rake
    2. Plugin annotate models
    3. Controller – Action – Parameter
    4. ORM – Objekt relational mapping
    5. Ruby
    6. Validation von Modelparametern
    7. Associating models
    8. Rails Helper
    9. Fileupload
    10. Ajax
  5. Facebooker
  6. Spickzettel



1. Tutorials und Referenzen

Ruby on Rails Tutorial
– Chapter 1 From zero to deploy
– Chapter 3 Rails-flavored Ruby

Ruby on Rails Guide

Rail API

Ruby Einführung und Dokumentation




galileo openbook: ruby_on_rails08

Starting Ruby on Rails: What I Wish I Knew

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2. Tools and Environment

Here’s the tools you’ll need. Don’t read endless reviews trying to decide on the best one; start somewhere and get going.

2.1 But What Does It All Mean?

Ruby is a programming language, similar to Python and Perl. It is dynamically typed (no need for “int i”), interpreted, and can be modified at runtime (such as adding new methods to classes).
Ruby API

Rails is a gem, or a Ruby library.
Rails API

IRB is the interactive Ruby console (type “irb” to use). Rails has a special IRB console to access your web app as it is running (excellent for live debugging): apps/blog>ruby script/console

Rake is Ruby’s version of Make. Define and run maintenance tasks like setting up databases, reloading data, backing up, or even deploying an app to your website.

Erb is embedded Ruby, which is like PHP. It lets you mix Ruby with HTML (for example):

Hello there, <%= get_user_name() %>

YAML (or YML) means “YAML Ain’t a Markup Language” — it’s a simple way to specify data:

{name: John Smith, age: 33}

It’s like JSON



O’Reilly: Ruby on Rails Meets Eclipse (2007)

2.2 Testtools

irb – interactive ruby bash

rubyfähigen Terminal öffnen (z.B. per Locomotive)


Befehle zeilenweise eingeben:

irb(main):012:0> tmp = [[1,2],[3,4]]
=> [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
irb(main):007:0> for i in tmp
irb(main):008:1> i[0] = 11
irb(main):009:1> end
=> [[11, 2], [11, 4]]

Ruby Console

irb für das aktuelle Projekt: Rails invokes Ruby’s irb utility in the context of your Rails application

rubyfähigen Terminal in Projekt öffnen (z.B. per Locomotive)

apps/blog>ruby script/console


Loading development environment (Rails 2.1.1)

Jetzt Rubybefehle zeilenweise

2.3 GIT – Version controll

siehe GIT

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3. Entwicklungszyklus

  • apps>rails blog -d mysql
    • erzeugt neue Anwendung “blog”
  • apps/blog>rake db:create
    • erzeugt die passende Datenbank “blog_development”
  • apps/blog>script/generate controller home index
    • erzeugt den controller home mit der action index
    • Anwendung kann jetzt getestet werden – Standartstartseite
  • apps/blog>rm public/index.html
    • in config/routes folgendes vor map.connect ergänzen
      map.root :controller => “home”
    • Anwendung kann jetzt getestet werden – Startseite = home/index
  • apps/blog>script/generate scaffold Post name:string title:string content:text
    • erzeugt MVC-Standartfiles für Manipulation von Model Post
  • apps/blog>rake db:migrate
    • erzeugt alle Tabellen aus den Models, bzw. aus den migrationfiles
  • Link ergänzen: apps/blog/app/views/home/index.html.erb editieren
    • <%= link_to "My Blog", posts_path %>
    • Anwendung kann jetzt getestet werden – Startseite = home/index – dem Link folgen
  • apps/blog>rake doc:app
    • Erzeugt Documentation unter doc/app/
  • Controller und Models einzeln hinzufügen
    • apps/blog>ruby script/generate [controller|model|migration] yourname
  • Migration editieren: 
  • apps/blog>rake db:migrate

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4. Themen und Komponenten

4.1 rake

DB Migration

>rake db:migrate

>rake db:migrate VERSION=10

> ruby script/generate scaffold

Freezing Rails

Speichert alle verwendeten gems in vendor/rails und nutzt diese statt des Lokalen Rails

>rake rails:freeze:gems
>rake rails:unfreeze

Weitere Infos

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4.2 Plugin annotate_models (for each project):
planner>ruby script/plugin install
planner>rake annotate_models

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4.3 Controller – Action – Parameter

In this simple case, it takes the first part of the path, store, as the
name of the controller and the second part, add_to_cart, as the name of an
action. The last part of the path, 123, is by convention extracted into an internal
parameter called id.

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4.4 ORM-object relational mapping

So an ORM layer maps tables to classes, rows to objects, and columns to
attributes of those objects. Class methods are used to perform table-level operations,
and instance methods perform operations on the individual rows.

zum Inhalt

4.5 Ruby

Types of variables
name local variable ‘name’
@name instance variable ‘name’
:name Symbol ‘name’

Instance variables are nil if not defined, while local var not defined leads to an error.
Ruby symbol
link_to “Goodbye!” , :action => “goodbye”
The :action part is a Ruby symbol. You can think of the colon as meaning
the thing named…, so :action means the thing named action.7 The => “goodbye”
associates the string goodbye with the name action. In effect, this gives us
keyword parameters for methods.


a = [42, 8, 17]

a << “foo” << “bar” # Chaining array pushes
=> [42, 8, 17, 7, “foo”, “bar”]

>> (0..9).to_a # Use parentheses to call to_a on the range

=> [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

>> a.sort_by { rand }

array = array.split(/,\s*/)

array2 = []

array.in_groups_of(6) {|item| array2 << item }

puts array2[2][0]


>> user = {}                          # {} is an empty hash
=> {}
>> user["first_name"] = "Michael"     # Key "first_name", value "Michael"
=> "Michael"
>> user["last_name"] = "Hartl"        # Key "last_name", value "Hartl"
=> "Hartl"
>> user["first_name"]                 # Element access is like arrays
=> "Michael"
>> user                               # A literal representation of the hash
=> {"last_name"=>"Hartl", "first_name"=>"Michael"}
>> user = { "first_name" => "Michael", "last_name" => "Hartl" }

better use symbols

>> user = { :name => "Michael Hartl", :email => "" }
=> {:name=>"Michael Hartl", :email=>""}
>> user[:name]              # Access the value corresponding to :name.
=> "Michael Hartl"
>> user[:password]          # Access the value of an undefined key.
=> nil

Multidim hashes

>> params = {}        # We'll start with the strategically named params hash.
=> {}
>> params[:user] = { :name => "Michael Hartl", :email => "" }
=> {:name=>"Michael Hartl", :email=>""}
>> params
=> {:user=>{:name=>"Michael Hartl", :email=>""}}
>>  params[:user][:email]
=> ""


Generelle Regeln

– Ruby functions have an implicit return, meaning they return the last statement evaluated

– Ruby also has an explicit return option; using first return if if-statement is true:

>> def string_message(string)
>>   return "It's an empty string!" if string.empty?
>>   return "The string is nonempty."
>> end

Auch explizit und implizit möglich:

>> def string_message(string)
>>   return "It's an empty string!" if string.empty?
>>   "The string is nonempty."
>> end

Parameter for functions

# Parentheses on function calls are optional.
stylesheet_link_tag('blueprint/screen', :media => 'screen')
stylesheet_link_tag 'blueprint/screen', :media => 'screen'
# Curly braces on final hash arguments are optional.
stylesheet_link_tag 'blueprint/screen', { :media => 'screen' }
stylesheet_link_tag 'blueprint/screen', :media => 'screen'

Klassen, Funktionen und Methoden

Methods: Functions provided by an instance variable

>> class Word
>>   def palindrome?(string)
>>     string == string.reverse
>>   end
>> end

>> w =              # Make a new Word object
>> w.palindrome?("level")
=> true

Using Inheritance

Here Word < String is the Ruby syntax for inheritance, which ensures that, in addition to the new palindrome? method, words also have all the same methods as strings

>> class Word < String             # Word inherits from String
>>   # Return true if the string is its own reverse.
>>   def palindrome?
>>     self == self.reverse             # self is the string itself
>>   end
>> end

>> s ="level")    # Make a new Word, initialized with "level".
=> "level"                  
>> s.palindrome?            # Words have the palindrome? method.
=> true                     
>> s.length                 # Words also inherit all the normal string methods.
=> 5

Klassen überschreiben

>> class String
>>   # Return true if the string is its own reverse.
>>   def palindrome?
>>     self == self.reverse
>>   end
>> end
=> nil
>> "deified".palindrome?
=> true



– module ApplicationHelper: code in Ruby modules can be mixed in to Ruby classes. When writing ordinary Ruby, you often write modules and include them explicitly yourself, but in this case Rails handles the inclusion automatically for us.


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4.6 Validation von Modelparametern

class Post < ActiveRecord::Base
validates_presence_of :name, :title
validates_length_of :title, :minimum => 5

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4..7 Associating Models


class Product < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :line_items
class LineItem < ActiveRecord::Base
belongs_to :product

class Order < ActiveRecord::Base
has_one :invoice


class Article < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :users
# …

class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_and_belongs_to_many :articles
# …

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4.8 Rails-Helper

(see all at Rails Framework Doc)
helper is a function designed for use in views.

<% for item in @items %>
<% for column in Item.content_columns %>
<%=h item.send( %>
<% end %>
<%= link_to ‘Show’, :action => ‘show’, :id => item %>
<%= link_to ‘Edit’, :action => ‘edit’, :id => item %>
<%= link_to ‘Destroy’, { :action => ‘destroy’, :id => item }, :confirm => ‘Are you sure?’, :method => :post %>
<% end %>

<%= link_to image_tag(‘delete.png’), { :action => ‘destroy’, :id => @entry, :start => @root, :layout => @layout }, :confirm => ‘Are you sure?’, :method => :post %>


<%= link_to image_tag(‘Einstellungen.gif’, :width => 50, :border => 0), :controller => ‘settings’, :action => ‘list’ %>

<%= stylesheet_link_tag ‘scaffold’ %>

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4.9 Fileupload


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4.10 AJAX


<%= stylesheet_link_tag “depot” , :media => “all” %>
<%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %>

page.replace_html(“cart” , :partial => “cart” , :object => @cart)

def add_to_cart
product = Product.find(params[:id])
logger.error(“Attempt to access invalid product #{params[:id]}” )
redirect_to_index(“Invalid product” )
@cart = find_cart

<% form_remote_tag :url => { :action => :add_to_cart, :id => product } do %>
<%= submit_tag “Add to Cart” %>
<% end %>

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5. Facebooker

Facebooker Pretutorial

Facebooker offizielles Tutorial


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6. Spickzettel


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